Chronic pain, fatigue, postural imbalances, and stress can seriously impede our ability to live at our full potential.  There are many ways to find healing and peace, manage pain,  and achieve postural balance. An effective direct route is made with manual myofascial realignment techniques known as Structural Integration.  Our goal as somatic therapists is not to fix a client's external structure, but to acknowledge the seed that is creating the imbalance and then release their fixations in the right order. However you want to look at it; the pain, stiffness, stress, and fatigue shifts when you take your first steps to improving your overall system as an interconnected web of uniqueness that we all possess.


Using Structural Integration, we begin with a postural assessment to build a framework from which to start. Typically, there is a series of 3 to 12 sessions in a series. There are options for single sessions as well. As the session progresses a unique treatment plan is formulated and tailored to meet the individual's personal healing goals in order to live an optimal life.


Let's begin this journey together!


Credit: Original logo icon is by Budi Hartono.  Modified for this site by C. Pearson